At the meeting of the Encampment held February 1st, 1833, the delegates to the General Grand Encampment made the following report, which was adopted:
“Agreeably to a resolution of this Encampment on the 30th of October last, the Committee attended the meeting of the General Grand Encampment for the United States; and agreeably to the intention of this Encampment, they made a proposal of entering under their jurisdiction as a Subordinate Encampment; the
General Grand Encampment was pleased to accept of this proposition, and instructed the Grand Recorder to enroll us in membership, and caused the endorsement of the warrant to that effect, and also qualified the officers to the Constitution and Regulations of the General Grand Encampment.”
The endorsement of the officers of the General Grand Encampment upon the Charter of Recognition received from the Grand Encampment of Pennsylvania in May, 181 4, reads as follows:
“At a Triennial Meeting of the General Grand Encampment of the United States, held in the City of Baltimore on the 29th day of November, 1832, it was ordered that the within Encampment of Knights Templar No. 1 should be received under the jurisdiction of the said General Grand Encampment of the United States, on their conforming to the requirements of the Constitution of the General Grand Encampment aforesaid.”
“Now, therefore, we certify that the said Encampment No. 1 have given assent to the constitutional requirements, and by virtue of these presents are acknowledged, accredited and received under the jurisdiction of the Grand Encampment of the United States. “
“Dated at the City of Baltimore, 8th December, A. D., 1832.”
James M. Allen, Deputy General Grand Master
James Herring, General Grand Recorder