Funeral Service

Every Knight Templar who was in regular standing at the time of his death is
entitled to be buried with the funeral honors of Knighthood.

It is the discretion of the Commandery to grant them to an unaffiliated Knight Templar.

The Knight Templar Funeral Service is similar to a Masonic Memorial Service and can be performed in addition to the Masonic Memorial Service.

A few notes about the Knight Templar Funeral Service:

  • A small Templar cross should be placed in the casket. The chapeau and sword in scabbard, and, if the frater was an officer, his jewel would be placed where normally worn on the breast.
  • An honor guard consisting of 2 Sir Knights in full uniform with drawn swords shall be station at the head and foot of the casket. Each Sir Knight facing away from the casket. They shall march to the casket in a column of twos and take their places. if they are relieved after a period of time their replacements shall march to the casket in the same manner.
  • The 2 Sir Knights forming the Honor Guard at the casket shall stay in those positions during the service.

If you would like to request a Knight Templar Funeral Service, please email the recorder.