Charter of Recognition (1814)

Charter of Recognition.
We, The Most Eminent Sir William McCorkle, General Grand Master of the “Pennsylvania Grand Encampment of Knight Templars, and the Appendant Orders.”
To All whom it may concern,
Whereas, by the Constitution of the said Pennsylvania Grand Encampment of Knight Templars and the Appendant Orders, it is provided that the several Encampments which were represented in the Grand Convention at the establishing the said Grand Encampment should be furnished with Charters of Recognition, &c. As by the said Constitution reference being thereunto had will fully appear.
And Whereas, an Encampment of Knight Templars, held at the City of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, was represented in the said Convention, and by their Petition they have prayed US to grant them a Charter of Recognition conformably to the said Constitution: Now Know Ye, that WE, the Most Eminent Sir William McCorkle, General Grand Master aforesaid, in Virtue of the Powers and Authorities in US Vested, Do, by these Presents, Recognize Sir Knights Philip P. Eckel, Grand Master; Peter Gait, Generalissimo, and Adam Denmead, Captain-General, and the other Officers and present Members of the said Encampment
as a Legal Encampment, under the Jurisdiction of our said Grand Encampment, to be held in the City of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, and to be called and known by the Name of “Encampment of Knight Templars No. 1, Maryland,” held at Baltimore, with full and adequate powers to confer the Orders of
Malta and Knights of the Red Cross, with continuance to their Successors in Office, and Members, for Ever. Provided, Nevertheless, that the said Sir Knights Philip P. Eckel, Grand Master; Peter Gait, Generalissimo, and Adam Denmead, Captain-General, and the other Officers and their Successors and Members pay due
respect to Our said Grand Encampment and the Regulations thereof, otherwise this Charter of Recognition to be of no Force or Effect. Given under Our Hand and the Seal of Our Grand Encampment, at the City of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, this Second Day of May, in the Year of Our LORD,
One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fourteen, and of Our ORDER, Six Hundred and Ninety-Six.
[Seal.] Wm. McCorkle,
General Grand Master.
Attest: George A. Baker,
Grand Recorder.
Recorded in Book of Records of Charters, Folio 29, &c.
George A. Baker,
Grand Recorder.